Christmas 2023 starts with Family Celebration on Christmas Eve this year.

But it starts off up north in Ottawa as my sister Pauline, brings a poinsettia and a bloody Caesar to my dad's grave site. To bring up my morale (?) she did tell me that if I pass away before her, she'll bring me one too. lol Thanks sis.

Back to the Christmas eve celebrations at the Tassé household in Kingston.

Now that the family pictures are taken, Grandma had a card game organized for some gifts to take and when there were no more, some gifts to steal from others until all the cards are gone.

No idea what Jessica is making faces about??? lol

Jonah seems to have a sinister smile on his face as he "steals" a gift from Jessica.

Is that MIKE stealing from Jessica also?

Thomas letting Jessica know that things like this happen

Kathryn gave her godson, Gavin his first tool set.

This was a gift from army guy-cup. And when I got it, Thomas came over and shook-it and said "earthquake". Bringing back memories when he and Matthew played army soldier with the little men and I'd come in and pretend there was an earthquake and destroy their "armies" time as a parent.

Sharon got a lovely toque from Kathryn. It is a Carhartt hat. Same brand as what Kathryn wears to work.

A special hoodie from Kathryn also called a Carhartt.

Thomas giving out his gifts here it was to Katryna

Thomas to his daughter

If you know mom, she doesn't really show joy and jubilation but this gift brought about both those feelings of emotion-if you know mom, you'll know why.

Mom collects the USA White House Christmas Ornaments. Thomas and Jessica gave her this year's ornament.

Jonah opening his gift from us. Lincoln Logs.

Jessica getting - Water

Katryna is now in the GARAGE stage...

Kathryn and Thomas opening their gifts and Jessica feeling left out ;)

Mike enjoys his gift, Jessica gets the password book

Gavin loves his BEATS over the ear headphones

Both mom and I got a lovely card from Katryna

But we're not the only ones who got heart-felt words. Here is a note from Gavin to his father

Even though we don’t often get to see each other
The love and care you show for me gives me so much comfort
I can never grasp how your affection knows no end
Yet I will always gratefully accept, my father, my friend
You have always spoiled me, to make sure I am well off
Making sure to give medicine and soup if I even had a cough
Through thick and thin you make sure I am never sad
Have an amazing and merry Christmas, my father, my Dad


Kathryn and Jasmine take some GIRL Time (just so you know it took 10 photos to get this one)

Mom did what grandma's do...beat Jonah at Snakes and Ladders

I chilled


The 25th saw some spectacular exchanges

These were our house

That's an Airtag marked JESS

The CRPO is important as Jessica got her Masters and is now listed on a few websites as a psychotherapist

But while all this was going on, Kathryn was getting ready for her party with Mike and his family but first Christmas

But first...Katryna's boyfriend showed up with flowers and a card

Lovely set up by Kathryn for a family that just moved into their house on 1 Dec.

Here is something that Katryna made for Kathryn in her metal class. Seems she skipped other classes (with permission) to stay and do this for her to finish it in time for Christmas. There is a lot of work into this and handmade gifts last a life time ;)

But in our household, the party didn't finish, We played Euchre

We drank to the memories of my parents as we opened a bottle of wine I made celebrating 1950 to 2000

Come to think of it we did a lot of celebrating.

And when the bottles were old, they're hard to open. How hard? Thomas tried.

Then he called in reinforcements

And eventually....

When you can finish off an evening with smiles, you had a good time

And all the Kathryn's-what a display and ingenuity

I apologize in advance, I don't know the family that well.

Well, now we get ready for the 27th...The party at Le Chateau